I’m a young artist aspiring to be an animator.
Friends you should watch 100%;
1) @eclipesfox - She’s making a beautiful comic.
2) @KeoriWinters - Honestly, she’s pretty much mastered all forms of art and I envy her sm.
3) @Oceanwind-0 - Her backgrounds are wonderful and the colors always pop.
4) @Rexolete - This old person has inspired me since I first saw her art style.
5) @Honeypinklemon - I adore her style and want to cuddle every oc she makes.
6) @Wall-Lantern - their art is always improving
7) @redpandaarrt - They haven’t been posting a lot lately, but their art is still worth watching
8) @TeaWithStorm - Idk if they consider me a friend but their art is sooo pretty
9) @Floofyfoof21 - They make me want to cuddle their art
10) @pcc404 - very friendly ^^
Awh tysm
“Hey! Just remembered DA, do you know Tawney-fawn? Tell her I kinda miss taking ^^” hope she’s doing good! Can you ask her that for me? ~ from Kestrel! <3
Awhwhwhw, Kesterll I miss you so much more aaaaahhh
Rest assured it will be delivered to her :3
Hello :3
How are ya doing?