[OPEN] Spooky Adoptables $12 ea.Tavoriel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tavoriel/art/OPEN-Spooky-Adoptables-12-ea-770378402Tavoriel

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Tavoriel's avatar

[OPEN] Spooky Adoptables $12 ea.



A witch, a false king, and a self-sacrificing hero with a shot at another chance.

$12 USD each!

Stake a claim in the comments of this deviation.  First come first served.  I also accept claims made through a message on Etsy, but deviantart comments take priority if I can't tell who was first.

Once I've confirmed your choice is available, pay through Etsy here: www.etsy.com/listing/641091112… .  I'll send you a higher resolution version of your character without the numbers.

You buy a character, you own it.  Modify it as you'd like.  Reselling is fine.  Commercial use is a-ok as long as you credit me for the original design.  

The witch comes with extra art! www.deviantart.com/tavoriel/ar…

See below for availability + suggested traits!  
#1 - [OPEN]

- whether this powerful witch's head and hands came to be detached by design, or through an unfortunate magical mishap, they won't say.
- they'll be in trouble if their head and hands get more than about 20 feet from their body, but otherwise they have a whole lot of freedom of motion.
- cutting the sleeves off of cute clothes is such a hassle!!
#2 - [CLOSED]

- once, a king commissioned a crown made that would protect him from death itself.  for all his riches, he could only afford such a crown made of bronze
- the king sent a trusted member of his court to pick up the crown when it was finished.  his trust was misplaced, the crown stolen.  enraged, the king sentenced the thief to death.  But with such a relic to rely on, the thief, of course, managed to escape.
- the thief is still on the run, unable to safely remove the crown until their wounds heal.  seeing his once-trusted enemy struggle around full of arrows convinced the king he's better off without such a crown after all.
#3 - [OPEN]

- a humble baker offered their life to an evil wizard threatening their town, in exchange for their town's safety
- the wizard was moved.  he liked the idea of a sacrifice in exchange for the town's protection, but it didn't sit right with him to accept this one; evil as he was, it seemed wrong, unfair.  so in a twisted gesture of generosity, he cursed the baker to be a statue holding out a golden plate, and left them in the town church.  placing a guilty, cowardly heart on the plate will break the curse and satisfy the wizard.
- however, if all of the enchanted candles go out, the baker will die.  and the wizard will know.  and it's not at all a bargain he will be satisfied with...
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796x526px 121.41 KB
© 2018 - 2025 Tavoriel
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Local-Heathen's avatar
Ahh your charaters are soo cute <3 if #2 is not taken by Wednesday(my pay day) i think I need to have him