tasmia-tasin's avatar


Tasmia Tasin
25 Watchers13 Deviations

Abrupt Proposal by tasmia-tasin, literature

What is love by tasmia-tasin, literature

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Abrupt Proposal by tasmia-tasin, literature

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Artist // Student // Photography
  • Dec 9, 1994
  • Bangladesh
  • Deviant for 16 years
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (41)
My Bio

Current Residence: Bangladesh
Favourite genre of music: Soft Musics,a little rock,jazz sometimes folk songs.
Shell of choice: True heart cockle
Wallpaper of choice: Light pink
Skin of choice: White
Favourite cartoon character: Hinata,Rock lee,Neji,Watanuki,Azuma,Gunter and many more....
Personal Quote: (For the people who are good-hearted) Just you fail it doesn`t mean you will not acheive it.

Favourite Movies
Romance,Supernatural,Cartoons,Thriller and Animes
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Westlife,Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana and James Blunt.
Favourite Writers
William Shakespeare
Favourite Games
Other Interests
Anime,Music,Science and arts

My Whereabouts

0 min read
:iconleftlacedivplz::iconpinkbowdivplz::iconmiddlelacedivplz::iconpinkbowdivplz::iconmiddlelacedivplz::iconpinkbowdivplz::iconrightlacedivplz: Hello Everyone.It's been a long time since I've been here,so I would tell you about my whereabouts.In the mid of 2011,I was very busy studying for my O-Level exams and I passed them.Now I have to give my A-Level exams in 2014.These days I'm really interested in cooking,stitching and in analogue drawings;by analogue drawing,I mean drawing that can be done on paper with a pencil or a pen;I wish I could show all of you but I don't have any alternative to do it.I'm now shifted to a rented place in the s...
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My grandmother,from my mother's side of the family,died due to brain stroke on 6 of January and she was buried on 8 of January,I feel sad that I didn't do enough for her.For her death,I feel:-Angry; Now that my grandmother is no longer in existence,a lot of people are just talking about the properties and their affairs.Sad; I really thought that after my final O'Level exams I was going to have a heart-to-heart conversations with her and now I can't.Pleasure; My grandmother worked extremely hard for the people whom she really cared about but they never have returned the love nor did a little something for her.After her death,they are now mo...
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:iconkittydividerplz::iconkittydivider2plz::iconkittydivider3plz::iconkittydivider4plz::iconkittydividerpinkplz: Hello Every one, I`m hope you`re all had a great time in 2009 but I did and like it very much.I know that some people had sorrows in 2009 but I hope you will forget them and keep moving forward.I`ll try to upload my arts as soon as I can if my brother,my sister and my brother-in-law doesn`t bother me so much and my computer runs pretty slow because of all the virus. With all my heart I wish everyone a very very Happy New Year.I sense some great fun and mysteries in DA.:iconnewyearplz: .☆¨´`'*°☆.¸.☆¨´`'*°☆. ( ~HAPPY~ .☆¨´`'*°☆.․)...
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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MoonShu's avatar
Happy Birthday! Have a nice day! Heart 
Coeurdelouve's avatar
Thanks for the fave :)
tasmia-tasin's avatar
You're welcome. Nod 
Love-and-Blades's avatar
Hi! Minho (Shinee)
Ramadan mubarak~ just thought I'd drop down with a message and see how you were doing. Onew (SHINee) I didn't e-mail because honestly I am just in love with dA's emoticons [EXO] Tao's ''Life Ruining Heehee'' Emoticon
So, um... bye? SHINee Key 
tasmia-tasin's avatar
Hello Ramadan Mubarak to you too. :iconpinkballoonplz:
Thank you very very much for dropping in and see how I was doing. :iconblshplz:
The reason I didn't email you because I was busy,but I will try to sent to one in this week. :iconlovebottleplz:
So :iconbaibaiplz:
AlliDzi's avatar
Thank you for the fav :happybounce: