What is Life, You Ask?
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There are an infinite number of things that we learn through life, even as we are growing up through time. One of the ways about understanding is knowing right from wrong. There can be mysteries that we can find about mankind, technology, architecture, transportation, education, and ancestry. Now, allow me to give out details to be more specific.
When I say "knowing right from wrong", it means that we can learn to understand what is alright and what isn't, like why hurting, harassing or robbing others is illegal, why everything has rules for us to follow, and what emotions do we (and others) feel in our minds after what happens to us. When there is something going on, there is a reason why. Imagine this: a single road splits into two—one leads to an award and the other leads to punishment—, and you can decide which direction you're going. If you choose to do something bad, that's the way you take the road to punishment, but if you choose the opposite, that's how you take the road to an award.
Life can be unfair to us, of course, and it's okay to feel scared, sad, or angry but not too much or all the time. We do make wishes but sometimes they don't come true, which is why it's better to accept it rather than force it; life is never about always being on top as an almighty superior. When we respect the neighbors' wishes and properties, they'll respect ours. And I know that it can be a little hard for us to understand each other, but it takes practice to know the differences and similarities.
There are consequences in the world that can happen to us whatever we do wrong. This includes during school, work on a job, and in public. There are things that we don't wanna do (even me) but we need to do them anyway if we want to succeed, but if we get consequences, we just need to live with it as in our adulthood. Whatever we do something right for others and ourselves, that's how we keep the balance. Money is important in life; the more we earn, the longer we live.
Bad things do happen to us, but no matter what happens, we cannot let it consume us, because that's how it leads us to insecurity. Sometimes insecurity can make a person have their mind completely shut after a miserable or traumatic past or moment that they've been or witness, allowing them to ignore the rules and manipulate, harass, and/or hurt others just to feel like a self-entitled superior, which isn't right. This is why it's best for us to turn away from the bad memories and thoughts, and keep our minds open to welcome in new things for us to learn and understand. It's part of maturity.
So there you go, life is always about choices, understanding, and of course, experiences.