I Calan Tol a i Aduial Drega (Beleg)TarvaBaggins on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tarvabaggins/art/I-Calan-Tol-a-i-Aduial-Drega-Beleg-863205308TarvaBaggins

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I Calan Tol a i Aduial Drega (Beleg)



(drawn 12-4-20 and 12-5-20)
Me: *uploads a drawing*
Everyone who follows me, proably: "Oh good gosh, not Beleg again."
Narrator: "It was, in fact, Beleg again."

I've only ever seen one solar eclipse in totality before, and it was the 2017 one, so of course I had to design the corona off of that one.  Plus, a little bit of symbolism in the arrowhead shape since Beleg is an archer.
The desaturated colors and dull shadows were weird trying to work with, and I actually had to throw in some extra color tone layers to get it to look right at the very end anyway.
Doriath looks more and more like my favorite parks each time I draw it.

If you ever want to think about how weird Middle Earth is, remember that Beleg might have met the moon in person before it was the moon, since Tilion was one of Oromë's hunters, Oromë was on good terms with the elves, and Beleg existed before the years of the sun.

(I calan tôl a i aduial drega took me about half an hour to wrangle out of two Sindarin dictionaries and a few Sindarin grammar webpages, and I'm pretty sure I still manged to mess up.  As far as I can tell, it translates to "The day comes, and the night flees" because I wanted to know what the Sindarin version of utúlie'n aurë, auta i lómë would be and so I did some researching and ended up with something that at least looks like Elvish.  If anyone has any corrections, please DM me because 1. I want to be accurate, and 2. I've been looking for an Elvish teacher for years now.)

(Beleg is from J.R.R. Tolkien's books "The Silmarillion" and "The Children of Húrin".)
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