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(drawn 10-27-20; made with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro on iPhone)
So I don't speak a word of Czech, but I found the link to a TolkienCon play of "Children of Húrin" in the description of SarkaSkorpikova's fanart Mormegil, mormegil, and since I already know the storyline I figured I'd watch it despite not knowing the language it's in.
Well. After Taur-nu-Fuin happened I was kinda bummed because I thought I wasn't gonna get to see Beleg again until the curtain call (favorite character and all, you know how it be), but lo and behold, in the very next scene he was sitting in the background with a freakin' guitar, and from that point on he was there with his guitar in almost every single scene, just making iconic faces and playing music, and I was like "....okay new crack AU where ghost-Beleg follows Túrin around with a guitar and narrates the rest of his life, but Túrin can't hear him and Beleg just thinks he's ignoring him as usual."
Also hey, look, I finally actually drew him in the colors Tolkien put him in in that one illustration!! I toned back the brightness of the pants and the boots not because I'm a coward but because I'm hoping to cosplay this outfit eventually and I already have those parts of the costume (in the toned-back colors).
He has bandages around his neck because I think I'm hilarious.
Guitar Beleg
- FA (First Age) background Legolas
- basically a reaction GIF
- will sing about your poor life choices
- :-|
(Beleg is from J.R.R. Tolkien's books "The Silmarillion" and "The Children of Húrin". I...I guess that guitar-Beleg is kind of half mine and half Bardě's...? I'm not sure who to credit here??)
Image size
917x1028px 496.62 KB
© 2020 - 2025 TarvaBaggins
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You have no idea how nice it is to come across a non-Czech speaker who watched our performance! Did you like it despite the language barrier?
I simply love the idea of Guitar-Beleg, it's so much in character. :D