Target21's avatar


Anything For The Republic!
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Oct 1
  • Singapore
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (6)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (123)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio

Hi, my name is Aiman and I am a 24 year old amateur artist and writer from Singapore. I primarily draw military-themed art and write stuff for my fictional nation known as the Republik Angkasa Singapura (RANGSI), in English that would be the 'Interstellar Republic of Singapore'.

"Regardless of Race, Language or Religion". These are the sacrosanct words that define the Singaporean aspiration today. What will a Humanity that adopts these words look like in the future? Will the madness of today's hatred and strife truly end? Will these problems persist instead? And most importantly - what will be the price to pay for achieving this aspiration?

The RANGSI project not only aims to imagine a Space Singapore, but also aims to deeply explore larger themes of Andersonian 'imagined communities', patriotism and belonging, multiculturalism, social harmony and solidarity, cultural and religious syncretism, conscription and militarism, and of course, the price of achieving all this - the authoritarianism that forcefully keeps humanity's darker urges in check.

Favourite Visual Artist
Marc Brunet (Human anatomy), SamDoesArt (style), I also draw huge inspirations from my Ancerious friends: Myric, Vic and Krag7
Favourite Movies
John Wick, Interstellar, Sicario, Blade Runner 2049
Favourite TV Shows
Rick and Morty, Gundam Unicorn, rom-com animes in general
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Varied and Many! You name it - pop, cultural music, rock, metal, marches, anthems, video game OSTs! I view music as a catharsis so the music I listen to usually matches my mood.
Favourite Books
Halo series, Metro 2033, Dune
Favourite Games
Endless Space 2, Halo games, XCOM 2, Hitman III, Ready or Not, SWAT 4, Zero Hour, Squad
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Worldbuilding, Art, Militaria, Politics
Leo System Planet of Leo II K-CAZ, RANGSI Territories --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “RSS Piece of Mind, this is SysCom, do you read? Over.” “SysCom, this is RSS Piece of Mind, we read you strength 5. Over.” Kapitan Wei Yulsya answered the battlenet comms. “Kapitan Yulsya, you’ve been ordered to rotate back early. Proceed to R8. An express replacement should be there waiting to relieve you. Once relieved, return to the OSS Julia Bravo for a special debriefing. How copy?” “Copy that Syscom. Proceeding to R8 now. Over and out.” Yulsya put down the commander’s communicator and looked to her XO, Lieutenant Kharns. “Tell me what’s R8 Kharns.” “R8’s a rock, ma’am.” “That’s it, just a rock?” “Like every other reference point in this system, ma’am. I thought you would be familiar with all of them by now.” “How am I gonna do that when every space rock looks the bloody same,” Yulsya sighed. Things had not been the same
anonymous's avatar
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Yo I just created a new account to act as my secondary art account to display my vehicle designs only, without the story elements. I'm planning to use it as a promotional account of sorts that I can link to when I post my stuff on other social media ...
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I'm introducing a new fantasy universe which is separate from the IRS universe. I have been rehooked on Darksiders lately and have been making up the fantasy storyline and doing some worldbuilding for it these past few weeks.So now I introduce to you, Tales of Myansher. Tales of Myansher revolves around the world 30 years after the devastating Great War between the Holydom of Heaven and the Black Kingdoms of Hell, and the many human nations who were caught and destroyed in the crossfire between Angel and Demon. The war was only grinded to a halt when the losses sustained were too great for both sides to bear and an armistice was signed bet...
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Profile Comments 187

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arafridi2000's avatar
ExcellentUniqueSkill's avatar

Hello Target21, i was asking, would you like to choose to join to click between these art-pages down below (or you can click both art-page symbols if you want) and then you can click on to add-favorite. Or you can choose to click go into these my Group-Admin profiles, and then you could choose to the Join button to

JointAARRCGroup      JointAARRCGroup on DeviantArt?


JointSTECHCAGroup     JointSTECHCAGroup on DeviantArt?

(or i guess both if you want too.)


A.A.R.R.C. (read here down below)



A.A.R.R.C.-N.O.C.C. (read here down below)



S.T.E.C.H.C.A. (read here down below)
Target21's avatar

Thanks but I would have to decline, its not my thing

ExcellentUniqueSkill's avatar
Joshua37's avatar

Heavy man really cool art!

Target21's avatar

oh thank you! your infantry art looks cool as well! 😁

Joshua37's avatar

Thanks! You units all look badass keep up the great work!