So it's been a while, but I've got something in the works for the med school art show next week. Will post when I get the chance and when I finish.
Oh and...I just showed the med school dean's wife how to draw. That was a pretty awesome experience. Now I'm gonna move on and help a bunch of med students learn how to draw
So I've got funding for 20 or so med students, plus somewhat of a curriculum lined up. First there will be an abbreviated course on art fundamentals. After that I've got models lined up for figure drawing and some clinical exercises in mind for drawing a representation of organs based on ultrasound and MRI scans. We'll start with graphite sketching, move on to charcoals, and then, if I manage to nab extra funding (and I think I'll get it), we'll be moving on to color media (oil pastels, acrylics).
I'd like some input on what you think I should emphasize to really make the whole experience fun and not boring, especially in the beginning. I'd especially love to hear from people who've gone through art school.