100 Questions for a DeviantARTIST01.] What is your pen name?
TangledInInk02.] What made you choose this name?
Uh, I dunno. It's art-orientated, ("tangledinink," art is my passion, can't escape for it, not that i would want to? ect. ect. corny lame stuff) and it sounds cool in my personal opinion.03.] Do you use PC or Mac?
PC04.] What programs do you use most often?
Adobe PSE05.] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
Tablet06.] What color or color combinations do you find yourself using most often?
Greens or browns.07.] What part of a picture do you put most effort into?
Line-art and "finishing details," I suppose.08.] How long does it take you do d...