Gaia---Wander's HomeTangerineandpuce on DeviantArt

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Gaia---Wander's Home



When was the last time I did an astronomy photomanip? It feels like forever. Now that I'm in a fandom for a show set in space, there are a whole lot more possibilities for me to explore with this art form.

Mind you, this is the planet I believe Wander was raised on as a flup(baby) until his family decided to travel again. The planet Wander's species hails from is a totally separate world in my headcanon, and I already have rough ideas for that place.

I named this planet after the Greek goddess of the Earth and the ancestor of all the other deities.

EDIT: Made the star brighter so it looks less like an unintentional lens flare.
EDIT #2: I just realized the planet is pink and blue like Sylvia. That was not my intention. Laugh Although, that does give me some ideas.

Resource Credits---(All NASA images used are in the public domain):

Land and Sea from NASA image: NASA Site Image --- Wikimedia Image
Dark Side of the Planet from NASA image: NASA Site Image --- Wikimedia Image
Clouds from NASA image: NASA Site Image --- Wikimedia Image
Rings from Alpha-ElementStock Image-Saturn Rings
Background from NASA image: NASA Site Image --- Wikimedia Image

As always, don’t steal this image; just follow the links if you want to use the original images. And, of course, be respectful when you comment.
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1012x640px 1.48 MB
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