Still more portrait ghost OCstanasweet123 on DeviantArt

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Still more portrait ghost OCs



Top: Beatrix (middle), Wanda (left) and eve (right), the witch sisters. these triplet witches were the most malicious monsters in all of evershade valley. They went around casting spells, causing mayhem and curses on mortals. Eventually they were finally caught and burned at stake for their crimes. Even as ghosts, they continue to cause mischief and magic and mayhem, and lure unwary passers by to their cottage with their enchanted arias.

Bottom left: Clark work II, the ingenious inventor. Clark was never into modern technology, he prefers steampunk technology. He lost his arm in an accident from one of his steam powered robots and replaced it with a mechanical arm. His death was caused by crashing his steam powered blimp.

Bottom right: Nigel bushwhack, the ruthless explorer. This Australian born hunter lived for the kill, which meant hunting down any animal that crosses his path. His reign of terror ended when he was mauled by a tiger. It was rumored that he was supposed to haunt the safari room in the mansion from the first game, but that wasn’t true.

and that’s it, all of the portrait ghosts I have created! Hope some of them make it to the third game.

concept (c) nintendo
Image size
1936x2592px 835.33 KB
iPad mini 2
Shutter Speed
1/20 second
Focal Length
3 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 23, 2018, 8:12:25 PM
© 2018 - 2025 tanasweet123
anonymous's avatar
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Well there are the magician ghosts in the 3rd.