Long Distance LoveTammiWid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tammiwid/art/Long-Distance-Love-1056564088TammiWid

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Long Distance Love



From miles apart, our love still shines so bright

A flame that burns through the longest of nights

Our hearts connected by an invisible thread

No distance can ever make our love dead

Letters and calls are our only way to communicate

But through them, our love only grows more great

We find solace in the words we share

Knowing our hearts are always there

Memories of our time together, like a movie reel

I can almost feel your touch, the way you feel

Though oceans apart, I feel you close

My love for you, forever it grows

The days seem longer, the nights even more

But I know in my heart, our love will endure

For distance may try to pull us apart

But it can never change the love in our hearts

I long for the day when we'll be reunited

Our love, like a puzzle, fully completed

Until then, I'll hold onto this hope

That our love will conquer even the furthest slope

Long distance love, a test of true devotion

But our love, stronger than any ocean

For in each other's hearts, we'll always reside

Our love, a force that will never subside

So until the day we'll be together again

I'll hold onto our love, like a precious gem

For distance may try to keep us apart

But our love, forever it will start.

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© 2024 - 2025 TammiWid
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