I :Heart: SkelFoxTami-Stamps on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tami-stamps/art/I-Heart-SkelFox-208860401Tami-Stamps

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I :Heart: SkelFox



This was a Stamp I had on my main account then moved it here.

Foxy the Fox

Foxy's favorite scary movie is "Ghost Hounds". She likes being chased. Foxy and Dax play together a lot, only because she pesters him until he chases her to some place he's never been and then she'll watch him from a distance as he finds his way home. She's a good friend and will try her best to get you out of trouble even though she's the one that got you in trouble in the first place.

SkelFoxy © Skelanimals

Please note that the Skelanimals are not mine; nor am I taking credit for them. Thank you.
    Time Spent: 30 minutes
    Media Used: Adobe Image Ready
This is an original stamp created by =Tami6677. You may not use outside deviantART. You may only post hyperlinks to this page, and show it to other users of deviantART using the Thumbnail code.
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99x56px 3.84 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Tami-Stamps
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