Painting Materials Video TutorialTamberElla on DeviantArt

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Painting Materials Video Tutorial



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Take your material rendering to the next level. Learn how to paint 25 different materials with this 2 hour video tutorial, then supplement it with 2 additional written tutorials on the subject of materials. These are all past Patreon materials repackaged for anyone who missed them on Patreon! 


  • 2 hour video tutorial with detailed voiceover taking you through the process of creating the 25 material cubes you see above
  • PSD files for all 25 cubes
  • High resolution JPEG image of the 25 cubes
  • 2 written tutorials: an introductory tutorial on the subject of materials, and a step-by-step process tutorial of how I painted the image of the girl with the Glaceon. Both tutorials have an emphasis on texture and material rendering.
  • 6 brushes to assist you in your own material renderings

Image size
1054x1440px 808.17 KB
© 2017 - 2025 TamberElla
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