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Call me Tails
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Heads up for June, due to it being my final year of uni and my workload being unholy, I will be going on a hiatus from June till the end of this year. its not something I wanted to do so early but my uni has tripled our workload unexpectedly and it’s physically impossible for me to juggle so many things without sacrificing my health which I’m not willing to do. so unfortunately I will be pausing all comics and Patreon during this time. I currently have enough buffer to reach June but thats also when uni ramps up for me so I will be taking my break then. I’ll go into more detail about this in a journal entry closer to the date, but until then enjoy the regular upload schedule!

PLA DuoLocke Promo by SnakeEyesDraws, journal

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • June 1
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
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My Bio

"When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people." 

Hello there~

I'm just an Imp who draws a lot of pokemon, as well as a nuzlocke comic. By day I'm stuck in University studying psychology and by night I'm... also stuck studying. But hey sometimes I draw! Sometimes I even post it in a timely manner!

I'm a bit of a mess- and probably made of more coffee than water- but I hope we can get along~

Step By Step by Step Schedule
Updates Back June 1st

Favourite Visual Artist
Why would you make me choose
Favourite Movies
Idk about currently so nostalgia says The Lion King.
Favourite TV Shows
Ojamajo Doremi
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Whomst Knows
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Tales of The Abyss. Persona 5. Most 3D Sonic Games. Kingdom Hearts 2.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo Switch and PS4
Tools of the Trade
Intuos Pen and Touch and Clip Studio Paint
Other Interests
Writing fanfic.
Sorry everyone. Running a bit late with this update. Y'all will get it tomorrow though don't worry!
anonymous's avatar
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Hey all, sorry for just dropping off the face of the earth this last month or so. I don't really wanna get into it, and I doubt you much wanna hear a long story, but the cliff-notes version is: a couple personal matters and university came crashing down on me which messed really bad with my mental health and basically everything non-essential in my life had to ground to a halt immediately. Gonna upload the 2 pages I have done and should have been posted already, and I'll have updates going again No Later than June 1st. Hope the days have been treating y'all kindly in the meantime~
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SbSbS Returns!?

0 min read
Hey all- er, hello all 3 of you that will see this b/c it's kinda hard to notice journals in Eclipse. It's been a hot minute hasn't it? Just posting this as a general update on where I've been and what's going on for the comic for anyone who can find it. I'm gonna skip the long version of this post and just say that Uni is hell, especially my Uni where we go by the Quarter system instead of the Semester system, meaning we have 9 weeks to do a Semester's worth of work. I'm a full time student and a full time worker so that basically took everything out of me and I had nothing left in me for anything else. Pair that up with 2020 being... well, 2020 and you get why I haven't been too active I hope. For better or worse now though I have time off from work and time off from school and a few pages of SbSbS in reserve so I'm gonna start uploading again starting today! Gonna return an upload every Friday same as before. Might change up the day of the week later on but we'll see! Anyway
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Profile Comments 374

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WintersPheonix's avatar
Happy birthday~~~~ And congrats on the one year anniversary!
Tailsimp's avatar
Thank you and thank you!!!
A-KTheLittleFairy's avatar
Hey Tails! I wanna wish you an amazing birthday!! And congrats on 1 year of your sbsbs Nuzlocke and keeping up the weekly update schedule!! That's amazing!
Tailsimp's avatar
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, it means a lot! And thank you! It was hard, but I'm really proud I was able to keep up the posts for all of you, and ppl like you who leave favs and comments were one of the biggest motivations to do so, so thank you too! 
A-KTheLittleFairy's avatar
You are welcome!! I wish for you that your motivation will be kept up and you definitely can count on my support!
ChiPolVee's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch! It means a lot to me! :3
Tailsimp's avatar
hey you earned it!