The Legend of Zelda: Return to the Wild: Chap. 26 by werecass, literature
The Legend of Zelda: Return to the Wild: Chap. 26
Inside Gerudo Town, the townspeople are doing their daily routine. In one of the shops, the Fashion Passion, the Gerudo Chief Riju is waiting outside with the owner Saula for Zelda and Paya to change their clothes.
Saula has no words to say that the Hyrule Princess Zelda herself from 100 years ago is in her shop and wearing one of her own Gerudo outfits. The shop owner is worried the Princess won’t like the clothes she picks out for her and Paya. Riju noticed something wrong with Saula.
“Everything okay Saula?” Riju asked.
“Oh I’m just tickled pink Lady Riju”, Saula said sarcastically. “The Princess of Hyrule herself is in my shop trying on my clothing I made. Not worrying that she will hate it”, She gave a fake smile to Riju. Riju kept looking at Saula, knowing the Gerudo Chief needed her to tell the real truth. Saula gave up. “I have never been so terrified in my life!”
“Mmm hmm”, Riju said to her.
“Okay we’re ready!” Zelda called out to them.
Zelda and Paya came
Call to the Throne: Chap 9 by Dimension-Dino, literature
Call to the Throne: Chap 9
The monsters they ran into seemed to be the only ones in the area, for Aria and her father did not encounter any more along the path. There seemed to be no explanation for their sudden decline, but they would not over-analyze the blessing given to them.
The path took them to a small clifftop that gave them a view of a sizable grotto locked within a small ring of mountains. Several waterfalls surrounded the circular concave lowland within a ring of mountains, the center of which housed a vast lake. Waterfalls surrounding the encirclement allowed water in, while the river below drained it out. At the center of the lake was an intricate, ornately-designed array of pearly-white structures that Aria took to be a city akin to what she saw of Castletown in the distance.
"There it is." she heard her father say, "Zora's Domain. If we hurry, we can be there within the hour."
The two returned to the trail, which wound down the cliff and would take them directly to the city. Aria had an eager
Call to the Throne: Chap 15 by Dimension-Dino, literature
Call to the Throne: Chap 15
For a time, all that Aria could see around her was pitch darkness. It got to the point that she hoped there was air somewhere in the cave. The Zora scales prolonged the time that one could hold their breath, but she would still need to surface for a breath. Her thinking was interrupted when she saw a familiar glow above her. Turning her gaze upward, she saw a patch of bluish-green light–the same shade that she saw in the cave with her father.
Thya saw it too and swam towards it. In time, both their heads actually broke the surface. After taking several breaths of cool air, Aria commented in relief, “Good to know there’s air in places. I was worried for a moment.”
“As was I, Aria.” Thya agreed, then reached up and took a handful of the moss. With a little effort, she had taken a handful of it off of the rocky concave. “I have the feeling we’re going to need this. Take what you need.”
Aria nodded, then mimicked her. The moss was fuzzy, as it had been in the tunnel she and her father
Call to the Throne: Chap 12 by Dimension-Dino, literature
Call to the Throne: Chap 12
Link had been hoping to get some much-needed information, as King Ceto had suggested. Yet as he strolled down the beach with the remaining Zora siblings to what was Rifsha’s last known location, he was bombarded with a story from Marlo.
“Though you were a leader of the Hylian Army, I should remind you I’ve become quite the soldier since we last met.” he boasted, then held up his spear to show it off. “This spear in particular is one of my finer moments, if not my absolute finest.”
Link’s ears did not miss the exhausted sigh from Beytho. Marlo had clearly told this story a lot to anyone who would listen.
“The head of my spear is my finest catch--the marlin is a fast fish, one that many of our strongest warriors could not outpace. Yet, I seemed to be the exception. Eager to prove to my people that it could be done, I caught up to the beast and ran my spear through its side, wrangling it back to shore-and risking impalement, I should add. Now the mighty creature’s skull acts as my