SU Karaoke: You're Welcome by dinoboygreen, literature
SU Karaoke: You're Welcome
Picture this: It’s Season 1; just after Lapis escapes Earth and Greg’s broken leg heals. Steven, showing his potential during the Lapis debacle is now brought before Rolf to a grand shrine, and being shown to the spirits of his dead ancestors. This is including the last great Shepherd King Timaneus of Djinn, whose first name Rolf takes up after in terms of his last name. And here is where we get today's song. Or more specifically, the parody of one. Timaneus of Djinn: So, what I believe you were trying to say, is 'Thank you!'. Steven: Thank you? Timaneus of Djinn: You're welcome! Steven: Wait, but I didn't-! Timaneus of Djinn: *chuckl...