An apocalyptic Monkey World (SMB Story) *1*
It's saturday. The cute monkey family from Jungle Island went to the stadium to watch some fighting match. On the ring, OwOw and PosPos are fighting. At the moment, OwOw is winning. The score is 3-2. Baby is sleeping in MeeMee's arms. AiAi is shouting, we only here him on all the place. GonGon whispers to AiAi :
" AiAi, can't you shut up a bit??? Baby is sleeping!
- I want to encourage OwOw!! Let me do!
Dada sit next to MeeMee with TooTooT
- Hey MeeMee! Hey Baby! You wanted to watch the battle too?
- Haha, not really. It was AiAi's idea. For the first time, he wanted to go out with Baby and me, so I said yes but I don't find it really interesting. In more, Baby just fell asleep.
- I can see it! He's very cute. TooTooT really likes him a lot.
*TooTooT claps in her hands and laugh in a very cute way*
- Thank you! TooTooT is a such cute baby too! She has beautiful eyes!
*Dada blushes*
- Oh, thanks for her MeeMee. She got her mom's eyes."
They laugh together talking about their babies.