Warden Wrangling with Lady Distracto by Lady-Distracto, literature
Warden Wrangling with Lady Distracto
Warden Nalen Abayo Kara reached the top of the last stairwell, now at last, far away from the sight of her underlings, and subordinates. Only then did she stop to catch her breath, panting heavily, mopping her sweaty brow, leaning on the wall for support.She carried her sword and scabbard in hand, having grown irritated with how it kept getting tangled in her feet, as she'd ascended the many...many, flights of stairs.Blast it all, but the Devil's Gullet needed to invest in some sort of mechanical, technical hoozit to make traversing her prison, the infamous Alyssa Prison, known as the Devil's Gullet, considerably easier. Stairs just didn't...