Lion Voltron I: ALR - potential filming locations by PeachLover94, literature
Lion Voltron I: ALR - potential filming locations
If someday a live-action Voltron cinematic universe comes to fruition with my Lion Voltron I: A Legend Reborn as one entry in the series, here is an example of the location scouting I have done for what sets could be built and what could be filmed on location to make the movie. INTERIORS ARUS/ALTEA Castle of the Lions - Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England Grand Assembly Chamber Control Room Entrance Foyer Staircases Royal Tomb Lion Cockpits - Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England Black Lion Red Lion Yellow Lion Blue Lion Green Lion GALRA (PLANET DOOM) Castle Galra - Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England Royal Cha...