[Dishonored/Discworld] Law and Order 2--Disease by JD-Kloosterman, literature
[Dishonored/Discworld] Law and Order 2--Disease
“I don’t know how things got so unpleasant,” said High Overseer Campbell as they walked into the meeting room. “A whore dies, and now all this.”
You wouldn’t understand it, would you. Vimes thought. A stuffed shirt like you, on his high ivory tower, probably doesn’t think of whores much beyond the waist or chest. Doesn’t think that even whores have families and loved ones who notice when they’re gone. That’s why you had one killed, because you thought no one would notice. But I’ve got you now, you bastard, and you’re going to swing, privilege of the clergy or not.
No one had ever accused Vimes of being religious. He occasionally dropped into the temple of Io, but High Priest Ridcully had always struck him as disgustingly fat for a religious man. Campbell, however, got under his skin on a whole new level. All of the Overseers, for that matter, got under his skin. He didn’t understand how they’d managed to gain so much influence in Ankh-Morpork in so short a time.
“If I may ask, any
[Dishonored/Discworld] Law and Order 1--Death by JD-Kloosterman, literature
[Dishonored/Discworld] Law and Order 1--Death
Watch Commander Samuel Vimes, Duke of Ankh, slumped over his desk in bitter anger. “Report," he said.
Watch Captain Angua straightened up, her hair unusually haggard and her eyes bleary. “We’ve gotten reports of at least three more outbreaks in the West End," she reported. “We’ve taken all the quarantine measures we can, but there’s no telling how far it’s gone already.”
“I know that, damnit," Vimes snapped. He was being unfair, he knew, but he couldn’t help it. “Tell me what you found in the sewers.”
“Rats.” Angua shrugged with exasperation. “What did you expect me to find? The place is crawling with rats. Some of the dwarves got out, but most of them are just plague-infested skeletons.”
“Ith woulth beth pothible to devithe a compound to rethuce everythingth in the thewers to ash,” Forensic specialist Igor suggested helpfully.
“That whole block is like tinder," Vimes growled in return. “What else?”
“Still no word from the guards posted around the Unseen University grounds,”