We stand and wait here, once again,
And listen for the northern men,
Who’ve come once more to make us slaves
Or else to thrust us in our graves.
We hear the rumbling tracks draw near,
We grip our rifles, white with fear,
We crouch down, keeping well apart,
Each one with terror in his heart.
Yet none will run. We will defend
Our little country to the end.
We will resist the tyrant’s spawn
Until they leave, or we are gone.
There’s not much hope of help or aid.
They have their missiles, my grenade
Can only do its bit of harm
And nothing throws it but my arm.
I will not live no longer free,
And so they’ve come to murder me.
We’ll stand and buy time with our lives
For elders, children, friends and wives.
We are Ukraine. We have survived.
We kept our culture and we thrived
When our slavemasters ran away.
But they are coming back today.
The jets roar over, rockets shriek,
The tanks grow closer, I grow weak
My rifle rattles out in rage.
I’ll choose the coffin, not
The Beast's Landfall by Metatr0nTumultum, literature
The Beast's Landfall
You dared reaching your greedily sprawling hand into Europe again...
It wasn't even 24 hours before rockets slammed into civilian homes
A fitting aesthetic for what was a War Crime all along
I heard your speech
It was like Goebbels wrote for Stalin
Revisionism 305
Advanced Propaganda that harkens
Back to glory days that never were
While spitting husks of language into the camera
You are a liar, a murderer, in short, a dictator and to you the world is a house of kidnapped whores
I live two hours of flight next door
In a country that has done the same shit you try to pull before
Blood and soil
Something we claim can happen nevermore
...then we turn on the news
And we see that one man's madness stands above international generations efforts of change
As it always has
I know I'll see all politicians in hell
When you get there you might wanna holler at Cyrus the Great
He could tell you about some S.H.I.T
Regarding Empires and their
Ukraine, le monde muet. / the silent world. by hyneige, literature
Ukraine, le monde muet. / the silent world.
L’Ukraine ou quand le monde immobile se tait…
Poutine, le nouveaux Tsar de toutes les Russies,
Se lance à la conquête du monde libre.
Cet ancien chef du KGB, a toute les fibres
D’un Staline dont il pourra terminer l’œuvre
de génocide du peuple ukrainien qu’il avait commencé
en exterminant les paysans, femmes et enfants.
Après l’annexion de la Crimée, Poutine dévoile
Aux portes du Kremlin la statue de Vladimir le Grand,
Il voit déjà la sienne tout juste à côté,
Celle du nouveau Tsar de toutes les Russies.
Un tank russe roule sur des autos et leurs occupants,
Poutine s’en réjouie, son armée est invincible.
Le tyran sans âme peut opérer en toute tranquillité,
Les américains, qui n’ont jamais pensé qu’à eux-mêmes,
Et les européens, qui n’on jamais su s’entendre entre eux,
Menace de taper sur les doigts du mauvais garnement.
Les milieux financiers n’ont que faire de ce conflit,
Eux qui s’entendent déjà si bien avec tout ce qu’il y a de racailles
Sur notre planète : dictateurs, oligarques,