BLACKARACHNIA MOVIE DREAM by InfernoBlastFire, literature
Earlier today while napping, I did have a dream about a live-action standalone Blackarachnia film. The dream film have Blackarachnia in her Transmetal 2 body during the final episodes of the third and final season of Beast Wars in the late 1990's, which I found Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 form to be her best form, way better than her crappy reformatted form on Beast Machines, which Beast Machines is pretty much a poor successor to Beast Wars, which I draw the Transmetal 2 incarnation of Blackarchnia over three years on brown paper bag with colored pencils. The dream have Blackarachnia in a present day city pretty much looks like downtown part of my hometown, Providence, Rhode Island at nighttime fighting human villains and also battling against an army of duplicates of herself. That would makes a good film or at least a fan made film probably likes on YouTube that pretty much comes close to a real film. However, I don't know if Providence, Rhode Island (mainly the Downtown part)