(FerriswheelShipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 1 by eremika0000, literature
(FerriswheelShipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 1
Hello guys! I'm starting a new White x N story. At first I couldn't decide to keep her name Touko from the Japanese version or not but I decided on White. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the story and please review or PM! I love feedback and constructive criticism is also appreciated so I can become better.Follow me to get updates when I add a new chapter!Note, * means start of thought and the other * means end of thought.Chapter 1At the beginning of their final battle at his castle, N couldn't have been more sure of his ideals. Pokemon and people are better off separated. After all, he thought that he wouldn't have gotten this far and gaine...
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 9 by eremika0000, literature
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 9
Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!The dizziness overwhelms N as his vision clouds up more. His legs give out, sending him falling towards the ground. The last thing he hears is White's concerned cry as he lands on the grass, his vision fading to black as his conscious slips away from him.White had felt the sudden strong tug on her hand, which nearly sent her falling towards the ground as well. She spins around to find that N had fallen over, passed out in the middle of the grass patch.“N!”She falls to her knees, quickly shaking his shoulders to see if he was alright. He wasn't moving, and the only thing that se...
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 3 by eremika0000, literature
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 3
Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter! Thanks for the reviews so far! White and N will be meeting again soon, so please keep reading! Without further ado, chapter 3!Note, * means start of thought and the second * means end of thought.White awoke the next morning and was again reminded of her strange dream that had disturbed her in the middle of the night. As soon as her eyes were open, she knew what she was going to be doing the whole day.Looking for N.She bounds down the stairs, her enthusiasm to find him was renewed.*I used to run into N all the time on my journey… Finding him now shouldn't be too difficult, right?*“Oh, honey, you're awa...
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 2 by eremika0000, literature
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 2
Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. I hope I don't make their characters too out of their character, I'm really trying to keep N's personality accurate. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy and please consider to review/favorite/follow, it keeps me motivated to write more, even if the review is constructive criticism. I'm sure my story has a lot of issues but I'm trying my best. Anyways enjoy!Follow me to get updates when I add a new chapter!*N, I'm coming for you!* White determinedly thinks as she sits on Zekrom's back as they soar through the skies.*I don't want N to leave… He seemed so sad… I feel like we really could be friends. I really...
Yay, I'm back! Let the dramafest commence. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.Steven and N reluctantly leave the injured White behind, heading off into the jungle to hopefully find food and water. She is left upon the sandy beach, sitting on her knees and not sure what to do with herself. N had suggested she try to find a water Pokemon or flying Pokemon that could help them get off the island, but the island was strangely desolate of any living creatures. Even after spending hours there, she hadn't seen a single creature. The island was a bit creepy in that aspect. A normal island would be teeming with wildlife, and she should probably be ...
Hey guys, sorry for the little delay in releasing this chapter. I've been super busy and tired from school so I haven't got around to updating till now. I hope you guys understand, and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!“What do we do?” White whispers in horror, staring at the man known as Steven Stone below her. He was sprawled out, his face an unhealthy color and his limbs twitching. His eyes were closed, and the poisoned wound from his hand continued to seep blood onto the grass.Stunned and not sure exactly how to remedy the situation, N found himself growing dizzy from the sight of blood. “We… We need to stop the bleeding.”Trembling, W...
Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope you guys are okay with my updating schedule, it's definitely slowed down since school started again. I don't want to lose my fans lol .. Anyways, enjoy!"Ah! We have to at least visit the onsen before we leave this town! I haven't been to one in forever." White excitedly jumps up and down, her brown curls bouncing as she imagines the warm water pooling against her and the warm steam clouding the air.N tilts his head to the side innocently. "Onsen? Isn't that a Japanese styled hot spring? I've never gone to one before… Are they fun?"White turns around, directing a big grin towards N. Her deep b...
“You're right, she can't be too far… Let's go find her!” N attempts to calm himself, his voice cracking at the end with his perpetual sanity. He definitely couldn't stay calm in this situation. He wanted to tell himself that she was probably nearby, and that she wouldn't have been able to get very far with her injuries. But, he didn't know. The only thing he had to go on was her little footprints in the sand that led into the unknown and eery looking jungle.Pulling himself together mentally, N dashes abruptly into the jungle, the branches slicing at his face and appendages. Steven calls his name, but N is already taking off. He keeps his e...
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 5 by eremika0000, literature
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 5
Hello guys, I'm back with another chapter! I'm very thankful for all the feedback and reviews so far, it means a lot! It motives me to write more, I hope you guys give me some more feedback! Without further ado, enjoy!N had only made it halfway down the dark alley before the man has loudly slammed the door behind him. He heard the door lock click. The man began to laugh sadistically, his laughter very clear even through the closed door. White's shriek rings throughout his ears again."White, no!" N gasps, falling to his knees. How was he going to get in there?N panics, fretfully running his fingers hurriedly through his hair in stress as he...
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 4 by eremika0000, literature
(Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions Chapter 4
Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! Thanks for the feedback so far, it means a lot! I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the little delay.(Remember, * means start of thought and the second * means end of thought.)N soars through the skies on his Reshiram, the harsh winds whipping against his face and hair. His eyes were narrowed in concentration. I need to get to White as soon as possible and make sure she is okay… I have no idea how much Team Plasma could have in this short amount of time.Reshiram seems to sense its master's urgency and flies as fast as it can. As Reshiram and N fly, he doesn't have much to do while waiting to get to Sinnoh....
Hey, guys, I'm back! Sorry for the wait, I've been too tired or busy to update lately. I hope people haven't abandoned the story yet, I'm trying hard to make it good. I hope the lemon scene didn't feel too out of place either…N stares blankly up at White, still feeling dizzy from the aftereffects of his climax. White stares down at him in mortification, waiting for real life to set in. After fading from her state of arousal, she had finally realized what she had done. The same day that N had confessed his love for her, she had taken their relationship from one step to an entire mile.He was also so innocent and untainted, White felt like sh...
Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope you enjoy the Steven arc, I love the jealous side of N!Steven awakes the next morning feeling extremely groggy and dizzy. As he sits up and his vision focuses, he looks around to see where White was. He spies her on the couch in the corner of the room, sleeping soundly while snuggled in the arms of N. They were both squeezed onto the small space of the black sofa, and she was facing against the cushion while he was facing her back, and his arms were wrapped around her from behind. Jealousy surges through him, and he emotionally berates himself for having this reaction.*I just met her yesterda...
Here's the next chapter, I hope you guys enjoy! Also, as a side note, I'm ordering a doujinshi about N and White! If you don't know what a doujinshi is, it's a fan made manga. Although it hasn't been translated yet and it's in Japanese, I am still excited. It's definitely going to be time consuming trying to to do Japanese to English stuff just to read it, but it's worth it!The next morning, N and White were both curled up in their sleeping bags minding their own business and relaxing before they were going to keep traveling. Moving around all the time definitely was exhausting to both of them, and they wanted to take an hour or two just t...
Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback so far, it means a lot. Especially thanks to Alimjfan, they give me feedback on like every chapter haha. So yea, thanks for all the feedback guys. Hope you guys enjoy.White and N dig into their food, much too hungry to even make simple conversation. They had been living on packaged foods for the past few days so a nice meal was greatly appreciated to them. White continues to drink from her cup, thinking of how strange it tasted. It looked a bit like soda, but it tasted very bitter and strong. However, she was much too thirsty to complain. Both she and...
Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback so far! The reviews/comments, favorites, rates, and follows all mean a lot to me and keep me motivated! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.*N and White skip through the sunny meadows hand in hand as wide and cheerful grins are upon their faces. N stops for a moment to watch White as she continues to skip around joyfully, her bright blue eyes shining. He finds himself never wanting to leave this bright meadow filled with flowers and smiles.N approaches White, taking her in his arms as they embrace intimately. He takes in her delicious scent, which was that of strawberries and...