I'm looking for lees, mainly females for my ocs to have fun with. I'm fine with fandom rps aswell. I have plenty of ocs you can chose to be the ler or even switch. We can go long term or short term.
NSFW and SFW works.
I'm fine with foot fetish, yuri, orgasm denial, tickle interrogations, futanari, bondage, master/servant.
I prefer notes as I don't have a discord.
I'm fine with the lee not liking it or liking it.
I prefer some details for the rp.
tickle RP lers preferred(only SWF/NO NSFW)(update) by ticklerticklee9, literature
tickle RP lers preferred(only SWF/NO NSFW)(update)
Hi! for the starters i RP only through discord (my discord is: honorintheshadow)
i do only SFW RPs so no NSFW RPs. both genders are fine (male my self and im gona RP only as male), but preferably lers, because i wana be a lee. i prefer RPs whit OCs, but you can RP as a video game/movie/series character or even as your own self if you want to.
some rules for my RP:
characters must be between the ages of 15-17
like i before said NO NSFW
please no one liners (so reply whit more than one sentence)
some things that i like in RP (ofc dont have to do everything if you dont want to):
a lot of teasing (for example being called cute or saying that my laugh is cute or making me beg for tickles ect)
gentle teasing tickles, i also like intense tickling
stocks, tied down and pinned down/pinned against a wall or something similar
tickled by licking (for example licking belly button or between toes)
Scenarios i like (ofc im welcome for any of your ideas! and im welcome to try them