xenomorphs vs white spikes stats by RJMovieMan, literature
xenomorphs vs white spikes stats
hay guys I'm rjmovieman and today I'm putting the xenomorph hive from the alien franchise up against the white spikes from the tomorrow war to see which of these hostile alien creatures would win in a fight I'll be using the classic xenomorphs and the male white spikes now let's get to their skills , weapons , and durability
the xenomorphs had been shown to seen to blend in dark spaces to stealthily kill their targets , were able to match predators in terms of strength as seen when the drone grid in his fight with the predator Celtic , were able to out number armed solders , were strong enough to rib a steel door open , dodge gunfire as well as plasma fire , Leaped across a server room before a man could react , a chest burster was able to burst out of a man's chest , A Warrior pounced at a weaponized exosuit and knocked it down , Dodged an RPG underwater and were able kill it's targets with their tails
the white spikes have been shown to kill armed solders , can