TF2xNemo Parody- Saving Autumn Ch. 4
Ch. 4- First Day of School
"First day of school! First day of school!", Autumn chanted as she ran circles around her father.
"Stop zhat or jou vill cause me to stumble!"
"Sorry, vati...", she stopped and pouted. He took her hand but then she started to run again, only this time, pulling him along with her. Scout and Engineer in tow. They didn't want to run laps with the others today, so they snuck away and went with Medic to see Autumn off.
"Hold mein hand, hold mein hand."
"Daddy, you're not going to freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you?"
"Zhat goat vas about to charge!"
As soon as they reached the spot to meet, there were children running around. Medic had to make sure Autumn didn't get trampled or knocked down. Finally, the kids lined up in front of the bus.
Medic put Autumn in line, but still held her hand.
"Hi, I'm Alex.", said a kid.
"I'm Natalie.", said a girl beside Alex.
"I'm obnoxious!", said another boy who got in Autumn's face.
"I'm Autumn...", she