The Disappearance of Sarah Clark (revised) (vore) by Khan126, literature
The Disappearance of Sarah Clark (revised) (vore)
Emily is a mostly normal 22 year old junior in college. She's lives a normal life going to class, hanging with friends and most every other normal thing women her age do. With a few exceptions. Ever since she started college she began a feud with a fellow classmate Sarah Clark over the same man. Both girls hated and loathed one another. All 3 of them were studying the same major so throughout the years they constantly ran into each other in classes. The competition between the two only grew worse as time went on..
Emily also has a secret. Ever since she started college she has slowly discovered she loves stuffing her self with any food she can get her hands on. It all started after a heated argument with Sarah. Emily rushed home to her apartment and in a stressed fueled frenzy she began to eat for comfort. Before she knew it she had eaten almost everything in the fridge and her belly had swelled to the size of a early pregnancy. Emily groaned in pain but a part of her secretly