TheAppealingJeannie on DeviantArt
Terry had tracked down his nemesis. Finally, he was going to put an end to Inque once and for all. He had hoped that whatever cell they had placed her in would've kept it in proper containment, but no, it had to get free. He wouldn't be this upset if she didn't have the habit of kicking the shit out of him in most fights they've had.The plus side was that her molecular composition was degenerating, fast. As a result, she lacked the ability to even transform into her human shape, and her transmuting ability was starting to take a toll on what counted as a body. So, this in mind, Bruce had developed a new kind of Batarang, a prototype that e...
TheAppealingJeannie on DeviantArt
Agent 38: Choose Your Own DID Adventure - Part IV by BobaFettish1138, literature
Agent 38: Choose Your Own DID Adventure - Part IV
To my right, just a few feet away, I noticed a gardener's shed hidden amongst a clump of trees near the outer edge of the complex. It was a wooden structure which appeared to be very old, but also equally as elegant as the mansion not so far away. It was a faded brown color with only one small door next to a tiny window on its front. The A-framed roof was covered in aging wooden shingles with clumps of green moss growing in patches on their surface.
Yeah, that’ll do nicely. I thought to myself as I looked toward the shed. I quickly looked around, making sure that there was no one in my immediate surroundings, and I then glanced down at the two women sprawled across the ground at my feet. I swiftly collected the pieces of my weapon from where they had fallen and returned them to my magnetized belt. I then grabbed Laina Blanc by her arms and hoisted her whole body up onto my shoulders. The young redhead was heavier than she appeared, but it still didn’t take me long to carry her over