Homeworld - Chapter 20: The Force
Din pulled himself to his hands and knees, slowly realizing all the attention was on him and Gideon now. In heavy silence, the Mandalorian warriors stood tense like ready springs, wary of their enemies: the Saxon and Imperial troopers. Many from both sides lay dead or wounded. Ezra and Rex were helping Sabine up from where she’d been flung to the ground. She was holding her arm and acting a little dazed.
Something suddenly hit Din in the head. No, it was something in his mind. He nearly collapsed again under the shock. It was the child, afraid, lost, confused. Din reached, as if throwing out his hand to catch him.
Then the presence vanished. Din was left alone, like there was only air beneath him.
Ad'ika . . . Child.
There was nothing. Din couldn't find him, couldn't help him.
One last time, he'd failed him.
And now he was aware of others, the warriors, the ones who had looked to him for a leader. He could sense, pressing against him, disdain, pity, fear and . . . anger.