The Farthing Easter Bunny Bellies
As the Spring continues during April at the nature reserve called White Deer Park, many animals, including the birds, are moving around peacefully, the sun is shining and the water is fresh and beautiful around it's lake and river. Meanwhile, near one of the trees, a female hare named Dash just arrived to eat some of the grass and enjoys such a beautiful smell of natural wind blowing around the park. She then just saw a male fox named Plucky, who, moments ago, became the leader of their fellow Farthing Wood animals after his grandfather retires and is on duty to keep things under control. When the hare lady just swallowed the grass with the loud sound of GULP and just couldn't help feeling like a hopeless romantic, for she smiled, moved her ears downward and lets out a sigh. She thought "Oh, Plucky, if only I have confessed my crush on you sooner..." since he's proven to become handsome, even for her to be unable to resist him. "Good morning, Dashy." call out the fox dude, then she