MLP: HoP: Megan calls the Young Six by zgwrox, literature
MLP: HoP: Megan calls the Young Six
Sandbar: You wanted to see us, right, Headmare Twilight?
Twilight: Yes. It seems that three of my friends have a very important matter they would like to discuss with you.
Gallus: But I don't see anyone else here.
Twilight: That's because they aren't actually in this room with us. They wanted me to contact you via video call.
(Twilight levitates a tablet showing Megan, Danny, and Molly Williams.)
Megan: Greetings, everycreature.
Gallus: (gasp) You're Megan Williams! Savior of Ponyland and keeper of the Rainbow of Light! Twilight told us so much about you in history class!
Silverstream: We've heard so much about the wonderful things you did!
Sandbar: And you must be her younger siblings, Danny and Molly!
Danny. Yep.
Molly: That's us.
Smolder: It's such an honor to finally meet you three... um, by video chat.
Yona: Yak so excited to meet pony human friends!
Ocellus: But what do you need us for?
Megan: Well, you have heard of Professor N. Shroud and his robot army