(Warnings: Inanimate Transformation, Brain change, implied Permanent, multi tf)
After her long and prosperous adventure, Kyrie finally arrived back home. She kept a firm hand on her bag of holding as she walked through the streets. “Should be getting close…ah, here we are!” Eventually she arrives at her destination, the orphanage. Kyrie walks up to the front door and walks on in, meeting an attendant at the entrance. “Oh! Kyrie! Glad to see you! Was worried you were uh…stuck again.” Kyrie rolls her eyes and smiles at the giggling Attendant. “Can’t deny you have a point! Hehe but not at all Kris! In Fact, we were actually away to get some things for the Orphanage!” The attendant in charge today, called Kris, is a Githyanki with long red hair. Kris raises an eyebrow in intrigue as Kyrie holds up a bag of holding. “Hmm…what do you have?” Kyrie smiles and shakes the bag. “Do you have an empty room where I can pour this all out?”
Later, Kris is in shock at the now filled room of gold
DollCorp: All Good Things by DollMakerGeneral, literature
DollCorp: All Good Things
If you went looking for them, you would find them.
On cargo ships, and buried in the farms of boxes that surrounded ports like fortification walls, the ubiquitous cargo container was common place. Salt worn, rust encrusted, with every manner of lock from crude picks to chromed padlocks holding their contents safe. But in this modern age, a new form of this common commodity transfer token has begun to appear in greater and greater number.
The DollCorp Container.
Of courser these days many organizations use this same style of container shipping system, but DollCorp pioneered the use for storage and crowd sourcing processing facilities. The DC Container looks like two standard crates stacked on top of each other. Except there are no seams suggesting these are two separate containers. The upper section contains the computer monitoring equipment, GPS and satellite communications suites, life support equipment alongside a state of the art recycling and reclamation system.
The lower