Pokemon Squad Episode 224
*The music from this video starts playing:
We see Brock, Clemont, and Max standing out on the lawn in front of the Mansion with cans of soda. RM walks up carrying a can of Dr. Pepper. The camera focuses on him as he opens it, then zooms back out to show all of them drinking their sodas in a time lapse sequence. In front of them, Barney chases Ash across the screen, with Barney Frank trailing after Barney angrily. Team Rocket chases Pikachu, Sqirt, and Pachirisu across the screen. Then, Doug drives by. RM disappears, and then comes back with more sodas for everyone. A limo driven by Larry and carrying Mayor Orange passes. It stops, and Larry comes out. The camera zooms out, and we see him beating up a blender full of salsa on the Yaoi House's lawn as Dora frantically tries to get him to stop, Bert and Ernie watch, and Roger cheers him on. Cilan delivers a crate of cigarettes from a UPS truck to the Yaoi House, where Elmo receives it, and