The Simpsons: Best Friends since Preschool Page 3 by LittleKirby110, literature
The Simpsons: Best Friends since Preschool Page 3
At the Scott house, Grandma Scott is playing with her granddaughter Lucia, who is rocking her to sleep. At that time, she sees her granddaughter Kara sobbing, as her daughter enters while Bart enters too in panic.
Grandma Scott: Sleep tight my baby girl, sleep well little child
Kara: *sobbing*
Grandma Scott: What happened, why is Kara cried
Bart: The principal suspended her from school for one day, i just... don't know why
Grandma Scott: Come here my granddaughter
Kara: Granny
Mrs. Scott: Ugh
Mrs. Scott: Stop talking to your grandmother, you were suspended from school for one day you got that
Mrs. Scott: You will be going to your room punished for a week young lady
Kara: I didn't mean to...
Mrs. Scott: Of course you're in punishment for a week young lady, in your room you said
Bart: MRS. SCOTT STOP!!!!!!! You better stop that, she isn't rebellious right, she's only 4 years old and a half
Mrs. Scott: Calm down Bart, my daughter should be good, not rude
Mrs. Scott: Why