Hello, my name is Emma Derenham and this is my story. I was born in a clinic 18 years ago. Doctor Herbert Grabenstein is the doctor who was there when I was born and who is still my doctor and fatherly friend to this day. When I need help or simply advice, he is my most loyal companion in life. I never knew my parents, my father was never identified and my mother died giving birth to me. I only know her name, Manuela Derenham. Doctor Grabenstein took me in as his ward after my birth, and since then I have lived happily with him in his house. Since I finished school I have been working at the reception for Doctor Grabenstein in the clinic, the nurses are all nice to me and I enjoy the work. This is also where I met my best friend, Simona West. My life has so far gone without any major problems; when compared to other women, my life could even be described as sheltered. Nothing could have prepared me for what awaited me………….„O fleecy hair, falling in curls to the shoulders!O black locks!