169th entry - 19 July 1995 by SkiesDiaries, literature
169th entry - 19 July 1995
19 July 1995Dear diary,Unbelievable how Elleanore hid her truth. A painter; not François's secretary.
And his legacy. Secured in a will that man wrote years before his death. Ready for his notary to bring out when he'd have to. Designate what to share and to whom. François's associate, his relatives, and his widow; those who had a right to his belongings.
As for the rest Patrick wrote, now I understand. Why mum never opens Elleanore's Christmas presents and why she left Canada in the seventies. How dad doesn't like his aunt-in-law, and certainly his other in-laws except Christian and Patrick.
With Elleanore ruling over her family under thi...