Some outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia (LCA) by SarahGirl1998, literature
Some outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia (LCA)
(Note: I'm trying to come up with some outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia as well as a couple of other fanfics, but I'm having some trouble doing so :\ So in the meantime, I'll just upload a few that I've already completed. Enjoy.)
(The clapperboard is clapped.)
(King Dedede is walking into the throne room of his castle. He makes his way to his throne and sits down on it, only for a popping and deflating sound to be heard at that moment. The crowd laughs.)
King Dedede: What the--? (He reaches underneath him and pulls out a red deflated balloon.) Who put this here?!
Director: Cut!
(Scene change, along with a little beep. The clapperboard is clapped.)
(A TV screen appears from the wall before switching on. The screen fades into view, revealing Customer Service.)
Customer Service: Good morning, King Dedede. What can I do for you?
King Dedede: I was thinking of causing some-- (His eyes suddenly widen, then his eyelids lower as he moves his neck back.) Causing some--
(Even though my MGADD is 1 year old as of the time I posted this, I had plans to come up with some outtakes for it for quite a while. These are what I came up with, though I might update it to add some more outtakes if I can think of any more. I just ask that you don't take them seriously. Hope you love those bloopers)
Open on a set resembling a swirling portal effect. Off-screen, a clapperboard is being prepared.)
Clapperboard Guy (O.S.): Speed! Marker!
(The clapperboard snaps shut with a loud clap.)
(Director (O.S.): And… action!
(The portal effect intensifies. Lunella, played by the actress, appears to be pulled through the portal. She's wearing her new, upgraded costume: yellow and lavender skate helmet, a purple, yellow, and black suit with her logo, black and blue elbow pads, and purple and blue knee pads. She also has a pair of round, periwinkle-blue framed glasses on.)
(Lunella is rigged to a wire, simulating being pulled through the portal and through time. The wire
The zootopia logo appears, along with red text below it, making the title, “zootopia blooper reel”.*beep-beep*Director: speed, marker. And... action!Judy jumps off her metermaid cart, off the sign but she crashes against the windshield of the giraffe car. She slides down the windshield with a squeaking noise.Judy: i’m Ok...
Director: cut!*beep-beep*Drill sergeant: frigid ice wall!Judy grabs onto the ice wall, but slides off, lands on a piece of ice, which catapults her off screen.*Crash!*Judy: i’m Ok!*beep-beep*Judy: ooh, uh, you probably didn’t know but, a bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, it’s a little...
Disney and Pixar presents…
Mei (voice over) Hey everyone, I found a whole reel of bloopers, outtakes, scenes that didn’t make it into the movie, and thought I’d share them with you! Remember these? (A Clip of Mei trying to do a cartwheel shows, then one where she and her friends perform their own little dance video and Mei’s panda form knocks over the camera) Those were originally bloopers, but they were so good we decided to keep those in. If you thought those were funny, Check these out…
(Beep beep)
Scene: school
Clipboard guy: Speed, marker.
Director: and action!
Mei: Abby!
But instead of Abby being there, it was stitch. That blue alien just can’t resist crashing other movies.
Director: Cut! Who let him on the set? Security!
Abby comes running into view.
Abby: am I late for the scene? I’m sorry I—Hey! You scene stealer! (Stitch crawls on the walls) don’t you already have your own movies?!
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei’s room
Director: Action!
Mei (voice over) making a movie takes a lot of hard work, and things don’t always go as planned. For example…
Mei screams as she moves on her rolling chair but falls over. Second take, same thing. Third take, she tries to get up from under her bed but bonks her head a little.
(Beep beep)
Scene: awooga
Mei (voice over): but we always end up having fun.
Panda Mei: BANOOGA! No no, that’s not it. GOOGAGA! Sorry sorry. OOGA CHAKA! (She and Devon laugh) I’m sorry I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m thinking of these words! Ok ok, I’m ready to go again.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Flashcards
Mei (voice over): and sometimes set production can get out of hand…
Ming: Second place at the spelling bee…(drilling is heard off screen)…is someone drilling and hammering? Can we hold the work please people?
Stagehand: Sorry, just making some touches to one of the stages.
Jin: Am I in the shot? You can see me right?
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei parkouring
Panda Mei: To infinity and beyond! (The harness holding her up stops, she laughs) I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist! It slipped out! Ok, ok, let’s go again.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Abby glomp
Abby: you know what will help me think? A little panda. >:3
Mei: Abby…
Abby: Come on Mei, it’ll clear my mind, just a hit! It’s so cute!
Mei: Ugh, fine!
Abby glomps Mei but Mei falls over.
Mei: oof! You’re heavier than you look. Haha.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Rooftops.
Panda Mei: Don’t look down, don’t look down, gotta get-(slips and falls off) AAAAAAAH! (Lands on a safety mattress below) I’m ok!
(Beep beep)
Panda Mei: Don’t look down, don’t look down, gotta get home, gotta hide! (Trips and falls again) oh come on!
Mei (voice over): that was not one of those better days while filming.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei’s room.
Clipboard guy: Marker.
Director: and action.
Panda Mei: (as she holds her friends against her chest and belly) whoa whoa! It’s ok! Chill! It’s me!
Suddenly her friends start coughing up hair.
Miriam: Wait stop the camera! Cough cough! I got fur in my mouth!
(Beep beep)
Scene: under the bleachers
Mei (voice over): This scene was shot right after lunch, which is funny considering one of Abby’s lines here is that she needed lunch or she’ll flip out. The effects here don’t take place until the second take.
Tyler: Wonder if your mom knows her precious little Mei-Mei has been going around the school flaunting the panda?
Panda Mei: (Appears behind him) that’s none of your business! (Tyler falls but kicks her chin) Ow! You kicked my chin!
Tyler: Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. Can we get another take?
Director: Let’s go again.
Take 2…
Panda Mei: That’s none of your buis-BELCH!
Tyler: oh! (Fans away the fumes) Oh geez…
Director: cut!
Abby: nice one.
Panda Mei: sorry, I had that three cheese snack wrap for lunch. Ok I’m alright now, sorry.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Bathroom.
Stacy: O…M…G!
Panda Mei quickly gets in a stall but slams the door on her tail.
Abby: ouch! Did that hurt?
Panda Mei: Huh? Ow! Ow Ow Ow!
Stacy: That really hurt.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei tries to escape through her bathroom window.
Panda Mei: come on! Please! (The wall cracks around her) uh oh. (The wall around her cracks and she falls face first)
Director: cut! Let’s get some sturdier walls!
Mei (voice over): either my panda was that strong or they built the set with weak walls.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Chase
Mei leaps towards the family temple, but crashes against the camera, Her face smooshed.
Take 2. Mei leaps towards the family temple, but instead of crashing on her belly, her aim is off and she crashes lower.
Mei (voice over) had to lie down after that one.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei’s room.
Miriam: I’ve never met nobody like you, had friends and I’ve had buddies, it’s true. But they don’t turn my belly… (the others stop singing, Mei breaks character and laugh) what? What did I say?
Priya: uh, it’s tummy, not belly.
Miriam: Haha, they sound the same, but you’re right I’m sorry.
(Beep beep)
Scene: what the heck is Toledo?!
To keep it short, Abby angrily shouts Korean, but she flubs and mumbles with her tongue sticking out and blows a raspberry. She and the others laugh.
(Beep beep)
Scene: the aunts coddle Mei.
Camera pulls back as Mei is coddled and fed a lot by her aunts, but suddenly she chokes and coughs, spitting food all over the camera.
Director: Cut!
Ping: oh my goodness! Are you alright?
Mei: Cough cough! I’m fine! Cough cough! (A stage hand cleans the camera and gives Mei a bottle of water)
Lily: I know this is supposed to be part of the script, but was this too much?
Director: ok, let’s give Mei a few minutes to recover, clean up the mess and try again.
(Beep beep)
Scene: the ritual.
Mei floats as the ritual takes effect, but the wires that were part of the special effects snap and she falls. The other effects and actors stop.
Ming: Mei!
Director: cut!
Mei: ow! I think I’m bruised. Am I bruised? We really need some stronger wires.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mingzilla
Director: And action!
Panda ming lumbers through the streets but steps on a car which gets stuck and her toe keeps hitting the horn when she steps down.
Ming: what’s that honking sound?
Director: cut.
Camera zooms out to reveal the scene is being filmed on a miniature scale set of the city.
Ming: (looks at her paw) oh there it is. I don’t understand why you would make prop cars honk, for realism? (Removes the car) ok I’m ready to go again.
A closer look reveals the prop car was mater from cars, apparently shrunk down to size.
Mater: it was no picnic for me either, lady! Realism? I’ll show you real!They put a shrink ray on me for this? Somebody git mah agent on the phone!
(Beep beep)
Scene: sky dome
Ming: MEI MEI! WHERE ARE YOU-(falls offs camera) WHOA! Oof!
Director: cut!
Camera cuts to reveal ming fell off the platform containing the model sky dome. Two stage hands rush over and help her back up onto the platform.
Ming: Ah, thank you. I’m fine, I’m fine. One more for me.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Mei’s room
Clipboard guy: marker.
Mei: YES! (Pink smoke appears)
Turns out that was just a special effect. Mei runs out but crashes into somebody. The camera moves to see she crashed into a guy in a red panda costume.
Mei: ow!
Panda suit actor: I’m sorry, I didn’t see you! It’s hard enough seeing through this costume.
(Beep beep)
Scene: Tyler’s party.
Another poof effect, but Mei still remains human. Everyone’s confused.
Director: uh, where’s the panda?
Camera moves to see Two guys in red panda suits are caught goofing off by recreating a Godzilla-type fight.
Panda suit actor 1: Roar! Take that mingzilla!
Mei: haha, you guys!
Panda suit actor 1: Oh! Oh I’m sorry are we doing this scene? Ok, I’m ready to go then. Sorry about that.
Panda suit actor 2: I need to cool off anyway, this suit is hot. (Leaves)
Scene: 4town concert.
The band ascends on wires, but robaire’s wires snap and he falls. The band and the audience gasp.
Robaire: I’m ok!
Mei (voice over): and there you have it! There are still plenty more bloopers and outtakes to cover plus some behind-the-scenes footage of us goofing off when we’re not acting, but that’s all I can show you for now. See ya!
End reel.
Meeting Lumpy's Pets outtakes (LCA) by SarahGirl1998, literature
Meeting Lumpy's Pets outtakes (LCA)
(These are some outtakes I wrote for my Meeting Lumpy's Pets story. Enjoy.)
(The clapperboard is clapped.)
(Lumpy is making his way down the stairs, humming to himself as he does so. Before he makes it to the bottom, however, he missteps and stumbles a bit.)
Lumpy: Whoops! (He holds onto the railing to keep himself from falling. The crew laughs, and Lumpy smiles sheepishly at the camera.)
(Scene change, along with a little beep. The clapperboard is clapped.)
(Lumpy goes to answer the door, but when he places his hand on the doorknob, turns it and pulls the door open, he sees that nobody is there. His eyes widen in curiosity, but then he realizes.)
Lumpy: Oh, that’s right, they’re (the Harvey Girls) on lunch break.
Director: Cut!
(Scene change, along with a little beep. The clapperboard is clapped.)
(Lumpy answers the door, and when he pulls it open, Audrey, Dot and Lotta are there.)
Audrey, Dot and Lotta: Hey, Lumpy!
Lumpy: Hey, Harvey Girls! (He moves out of the way so the
Some more outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia (LCA) by SarahGirl1998, literature
Some more outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia (LCA)
(I've come up with some more outtakes for Hiccups in Multimedia, hope you enjoy.)
(The clapperboard is clapped.)
(Lumpy is running into town to visit Dr. Mario. However, since he has the hiccups, one of said hiccups causes Lumpy’s feet to leave the ground, and he ends up falling over, landing on his belly. The crew laughs as he sits up and rubs his head, looking a bit dazed.)
(Scene change, along with a little beep. The clapperboard is clapped.)
(Dr. Mario has just told Lumpy about the method he used to cure Lucretia of her hiccups, and has offered to use the same method on him.)
Lumpy: Well… okay. Hic! (He braces himself as he closes his eyes in anticipation.) Go for it.
(Dr. Mario moves his head up to the side of Lumpy’s head, waits until he leasts expects it… but then says something completely different than “Boo.”)
Dr. Mario: Remember me and the Mario you know? We might be two different Mario’s.
(That being said, Lumpy’s eyes still pop open for a second, and then he jumps
The Oddbods Show Blooper Reel (S1) (WIP) by StarRion20, literature
The Oddbods Show Blooper Reel (S1) (WIP)
The Scenes Consist of Bloopers from All Episodes for The Oddbods Show Season 1. Inspired to Kirby Super Star Ultra's Special-Edition Blooper Reel Cutscene.[Keep in Mind That This is at Work in Progress. Needs Ideas.] Title Sequence (Zee) as Jeff, Fuse, Slick, Zee and Bubbles are on The Stand While Waiting for The Picture, Newt and Pogo Came but With Out Noticing, They Bumped Both Jeff and Fuse Leaving Them Dizzy. Newt and Pogo Realized that It was an Accident. Slick, Zee and Bubbles are Confused on Why they Jumped too Far. Title Sequence (Pogo) Title Sequence (Fuse) Title Sequence (Bubbles) Title Sequence (Jeff) Title Sequence (Slick) Titl...