SGR Chapter 287: The TokRa Fleet by SheldonOswaldLee, literature
SGR Chapter 287: The TokRa Fleet
With the Goa’uld Empire fallen and the Tok’Ra Nation and State established in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Tok’Ra themselves began building their own spaceships, partly inspired by older Goa’uld models, in overall technology and look, just like many species taken over Goa’uld worlds, industries and shipyards. To become more of an own power, the Tok’Ra modeled many of their very own ships on existing functioning classes and models, like Tel’tak, Al’kesh, or Ha’tak themselves. The more Tel’tak transport ship inspired version of theirs was the Dbt’tak (boat/ ship), which served as small and in their larger variant as medium personal, goods and resource transport ships, while the larger and elongated Wie’tak/ Wrt’tak (barque) had a similar purpose, but more so focused to transport goods and resources, then personal then the Dbt’tak. Their main goal was transport outside of the Chaapa’ai (Stargate) Network itself, especially in a post-Goa’uld Milky Way Galaxy, were the space