I Promised - Chapter 57: Face of the Enemy
Everyone who had an attack they could prepare did so.
Ludwig retrieved his wand and pointed it at the king's silhouetted form. "You are not our father!" he boomed. "You are a thief who has taken control of his body!"
"And stole four years of our happiness!" Lemmy accused.
The Umbra laughed, "Not your father? Last I checked, you are who you are on the worst day of your life." He gestured to himself. "And that's who I am. King Bowser on his worst day."
Princess Peach stepped forward. "That's where you're wrong, creature. While you are who you are on your worst day, you're also who you are on the next day. And the day after that. The day where you decide whether it's going to be the new worst day of your life, or not."
The Umbra snorted. "So you say, yet I'm still here, and he is stuck up here." He tapped his temple.
Bowser Jr. stepped out from behind Ludwig and pointed a claw. "So you admit that you're not actually Papa!"
In immediate reaction, Bowser's mouth glowed as the Umbra