While it wasn’t the first time Ducky had gone wandering, even at night, it was the first time she’d ever had problems finding her way back. Something about her generally bizarre self allowed her to orient herself easily...be it by chatting with local dead things, or just an uncanny ability to find her way back to Cassander or her spawn, it never set her in the wrong direction. Normally.
Right now though? She can’t bring herself to be concerned, but this is definitely out of the ordinary. The night had been clear and slightly warm when she’d started out. The perfect night for a good wander...which had turned chilly, and the fog had rolled in, like it often does, but tonight seemed different. Less inviting, and more, hmm, anticipatory?
Low fog hangs above the sparse vegetation that the tyro passes by, her bright purple eyes looking curiously at every little thing that catches her attention, looking for the thing that was driving her on. Though, the atmosphere is one of looming doom
A Light of Enthusiasm by SunsetRevelation, literature
A Light of Enthusiasm
Natrixa: (319 WC)Ducky has found a THING.A thing! A lantern! It is shiny, and she loves it! Since the information had come out, and they’d been made aware of what was happening, she’d been on the lookout for such things, and now? Well! Golly!To find one though! She really didn’t think she would! A full body shimmy squirms through the long wiggly frame, and her long arm wings just FLAIL spastically in place as she swings her tail and long neck in a weird little wobbly dance. YAY!Though, she’d be silly to go alone, and well...she knows who she wants to take it to, but she isn’t sure the heavy drake would appreciate it. Though, she does admi...