Inktober 2022, Day 6 - Bouquet by TehSkullkid, literature
Inktober 2022, Day 6 - Bouquet
Is This the Bouquet You Wanted?
Is this how you pictured it
When you stepped into the rain
Graced the puddle with your shoes
And the burden of new weight
This bouquet left by your bed
Then you swore the oath of love
Never hold but newborn close
Let old passions wilt to ash
Lips collide and there you stand
Was that the legacy you earned?
And truly better off this Way?
When voices call their favored name
And haunt the church where you are laid
Is it on that brighter day
When those scattered flowers fly
And your reach was higher then
Didn’t slip between your grasp
Is it that bouquet you want
Or the one you spiral tossed
Opalescent and flowing
Caught in wind to meet the crowd
That bouquet they will recall
But did you get what you deserve?
When came the ending of your life
In gothic halls they venerate
And celebrate the life you lived
Matron made with angel wings
But we’ve plucked them quickly off
Laid her down with insects deep
In between some sheets of glass
In a see-through