In April, 2005, a boy named Jansen Kirby (The Anime Man) was born. A Japanese citizen with an European American father, Walter Kirby (Chris Evans), and his Japanese mother, Shouko Kirby (Rinko Kikuchi). He had a sister named Mirai Kirby (Sally Amaki), who was born in October, 2010. Kids in school made fun of Jansen because his surname was that of a pink ball. To make the bullying stop, Jansen became a gyaruo punk who made the school staff and students afraid of him. He also used violence protect Mirai from bullies. During his life, he had a power that was the element of lightning. Jansen kept his powers a secret because he didn’t know how to explain it. All he knew was he could sense togetherness with the universe.
In Shiritsu Kizu Junior High School, Jansen saved a Japanese girl—Tsuyu Yoshi (Shibuya Kaho)—from bullies because he loved her. They became friends until Tsuyu learned that Jansen bullied others. By the time of Otemae High School, Tsuyu stopped being friends with Jansen.