Post Work Tutorial - Bullet Trails
I've had a few people ask how I do bullet trails, so I thought I'd put this down for anyone's reference who wants it. I'm not saying this is a special way, that it's the best, but it's a simple way and it works for me....
I use PhotoShop, but the method can be applied to any similar tool, GIMP etc.
Step 1: Render and plan
So I've rendered a picture, no bullets in render
Now I work out where I want the bullets to go, one from the gun, one passing behind her (yellow lines to illustrate).
Step 2: Set up the basic lines
Add a new layer, make sure it has a layer mask.
Using the path tool, sketch out where the bullet trails will be. Don't worry about overlap (here with the body and flame), we'll sort that later
Select white and set up your brush. You might need to size up or down to taste and your render size. This render is 3200x4000, so 10 px works to my taste, but you may prefer bigger or smaller. Hardness 75% is always good.
Select the path and use the