Under the Enchanted Willow tree Chapter 01 by RileyKoiman, literature
Under the Enchanted Willow tree Chapter 01
Akiko came into the bathhouse, She looked around and spotted two maids, preparing the bath for her.
"Princess take off your wedding dress and we will help you hop into the tub and help you wash up," A maid told her.
"And after that we will take you to a bedroom, where you spend the night, with your husband, dearie," Another maid said.
Akiko nodded, hopping into the tub and let the hot water calm down her nerves. Yes, spend the night with her husband. They have to consummate their marriage otherwise the church will not honor it.
"Princess, are you nervous," Maid said with a weak smile. "If you are, then just relax and catch your breath-"
"And just tell his highness Uchiha to be gentle and tell him you are not experienced, He will be gentle,"
"Will he be gentle? Akiko stuttered. "Princess try not to stutter, No men like wives or women
who stutter or struggle to say a basic sentence,"
Akiko nodded. She made a mental note to not stutter in the presence of her husband.
"No men will