Deep in the jungle, a captive Sammina struggled to stay afoot, as her Redneck captors raced through the forest, dragging the girl alongside them. A few times, she stumbled and fell to the forest floor, only to dragged back to her feet roughly by her arms, and the Redneck savages had no gentle touch.
After an agonizing while of seemingly endless hiking, the band of Rednecks finally came to a stop, in a small glade in the middle of the forest. Sammina sat away from them, being guarded by two of the sub-humans. The Rednecks were all sitting in a circle, around a small fire, speaking in their proto-human language, of which Sammina could understand. These savages were mercenaries, hired to steal into the stone city, and abduct Sammina; by the same Saurian slavers who had raided her village and kidnapped her before. Upon hearing this, Sammina’s heart quivered with fear and hatred. Her people: the Neanderthals had no love for the Rednecks, and despised them, as did the other hominid races of