Whatever It Takes: Prologue by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Whatever It Takes: Prologue
It seemed that his searching across the cosmos would be endless, every planet he could think of empty of the individuals he searched for. Until… until she put it on her head. Like a white-hot poker in the emptiness of the void, her presence called out to him. Earth… of course.As he shimmered into existence on the plain, he looked over and saw her. The breeze whipped her hair around, and he immediately stepped up to her and wrapped her in his arms as tightly as he could. He dug his face into her neck, deeply inhaling in relief.“I’ve missed you.” he murmured into her neck, tears almost springing from his eyes. “I couldn’t find you after the ...
What Heroes Do: Chapter Two by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Chapter Two
We arrived in New York, Loki magically swapping our Asgardian clothing for Earth attire. We landed in a quiet portion of Central Park, no one in eyesight to notice our arrival. It gave me time enough to take in the clothing that had been chosen for all of us. Thor wore casual clothes, a hoodie with jeans, a casual shirt. I had been given a beautiful emerald green summer dress, delicate golden embroidery shimmering as the skirt moved with the breeze. For himself, Loki had chosen an entirely black suit, it’s edges crisp and clean. While I didn’t know exactly how I felt about it being entirely black, it definitely fit him well and was extreme...
What Heroes Do: Chapter Three by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Chapter Three
As soon as the words had been spoken, we were all taken to another room, and sat on chairs facing the Doctor. Thor looked behind, confused, as I blinked heavily to reset my bearings.“Tea?” Strange asked, mugs appearing in our hands.“I don’t drink tea.” Thor said, inspecting his mug.“What do you drink?” Strange countered.“Not tea.” Thor repeated, a small smirk on his face.Thor’s mug turned into a large glass beer stein, and Thor’s eyes narrowed in surprised approval.“So, I keep a watchlist of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world.” Strange said, trying to maintain eye contact with Thor as Thor quickly d...
What Heroes Do: Chapter Four by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Chapter Four
I awoke laying down amidst a large pile of garbage, several pieces poking me uncomfortably. I slowly sat up, groaning in pain and rubbing my eyes to adjust them to the light. I was surrounded by mountains of trash as far as the eye could see, everything from alien pieces of machinery to a city of Phoenix sewer plate strewn about in disorganized chaos.I looked up, seeing many portals very much like the ones during the convergence, trash and debris falling from them to the planet’s surface. A large body of water was at the trash’s edge, spreading into the distance right underneath a massive red portal. I stood up, crying out a small bit at m...
What Heroes Do: Chapter Five by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Chapter Five
The next week was a non-stop schedule of training my sword skill, practicing my ability to become invisible under duress, and strengthening my endurance. As soon as I thought I had one skill perfected, Val would come along and hit me with something new, and it felt like I hd to start all over again.The day before my fight was to take place, Val let me rest. “You’ll need all the energy you can have for tomorrow.” She said, popping the top from what must have been her thousandth drink.“What are you trying to forget?” I asked quietly, “What happened to you to make you want to stay in this place?”“I don’t want to talk about it.” She muttered b...
Fidelity: Chapter Four by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Fidelity: Chapter Four
Rocket tossed me his radio, then climbed into the pod with Thor, and they sped off to get the rings spinning again. I stayed with Groot, helping Eitri with the things he needed dexterity to complete. We placed the mold under the pot of what would soon be molten metal, aligning the opening so nothing would be wasted.“I don’t think you get the scientifics here.” Rocket said to Thor, “These rings are gigantic. You wanna get them moving, you need something bigger than this pod to yank them loose!”“Leave that to me.” Thor replied.“Leave it to you?” Rocket scoffed, “Buddy, you’re in space. All you got is a wrong plan…”Rocket’s chiding was cut of...
What Heroes Do: Chapter Eleven by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Chapter Eleven
“I’m not doing get help.” Loki insisted.Thor stared out to Hela, and then turned to look at the fleeing Asgardian people. “Asgard’s not a place, it’s a people.” Thor said, turning to face us. “Loki, (Y/N) this was never about stopping Ragnarok.This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur’s crown, the vault. It’s the only way.”“Bold move, brother.” Loki said. “Even for me.”Loki turned to me, whispering quickly. “I’ll be back, my brave Valkyrie.” pressing his lips to mine before running off.Val rolled her eyes, “He really should learn to be quieter when he whispers.”“Shall we?” Thor asked, gesturing to Hela.“After you.” Val responded.Thor stepped...
What Heroes Do: Epilogue by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
What Heroes Do: Epilogue
The next morning, we followed Thor out to the main deck, gazing out at the stars. After congratulating Loki and I on our engagement, he chuckled.“Loki, I never figured you the type to settle down.” Thor said, beaming.“I never did either.” Loki said, looking at me, the love clearly written in his eyes. “But things change. I know I certainly have.”“You’ve grown, little brother.” Thor said, “And I am proud of you for it.”“Do you really think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth?” Loki asked.“Yes, of course!” Thor said, “The people of Earth love me. I’m very popular.”“Let me rephrase that.” Loki added, “Do you really think it’s a good idea to ...
Lokasenna: Chapter One by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Lokasenna: Chapter One
I squinted, blinking as my eyes adjusted to fully take in the glittering city around me. Thor, Loki, and strangers alike stood staring at me, shock written clearly across their faces. Loki stared at me with wide eyes, a mixture of emotion washing over his masked face.“Who are you?” Thor questioned, slightly raising his hammer towards me. “Your face reminds me of someone… are you the one Son of Coul spoke of? Are you also a child of Coul?”“I think so?” I choked out, slowly walking up to Thor, “Agent Phil Coulson is my brother, if that’s what you mean.”“Yes!” Thor exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face, “Your brother is an honorable ma...
Fidelity: Chapter One by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Fidelity: Chapter One
We stood, staring at each other for the longest ten seconds of my life. In a flash, Loki and I were in our room.“(Y/N), I need you to listen very carefully.” Loki said, grabbing my sword and tossing it to me. I nodded, strapping my sword on, watching Loki pace back and forth along the floor. I heard an alarm sound throughout the ship, and footsteps running as Asgardians rushed to defend their families.“Thanos is on that ship. He wants two things.” Loki stressed. “He wants me, and he wants the Tesseract. We don’t want him having either, but if he gains the Tesseract, it could be devastating for you.”I nodded, gripping the pommel of my sword...
Fidelity: Chapter Two by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Fidelity: Chapter Two
I awoke, my body in so much pain I wasn’t sure I was even alive. A harsh, bright light beat down on my face, and I raised my arm weakly to shield my eyes from the warm onslaught.“The small one is waking up!” a deep voice said, my eyes still trying to adjust to the light.“Don’t touch her!” a feminine voice warned. “We don’t want whatever that was to happen again.”“Yea!” another masculine voice agreed, “We’re here to help the distress signal, not send out our own.”“She’s in anguish!” another female voice said, “Something horrible must have happened to her.”I groaned, forcing myself to sit up and look around me. I was inside someone’s ship, s...
Feel You: Chapter One by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Feel You: Chapter One
Loki and I stood, panting as we watched the Titan slump away from Thor, his gloved hand hitting the ground with a dull thud. Thor marched over, ripping the glove from Thanos’ hand, tossing the weapon to Captain Rogers.“I told you that you’d die for that.” Thor breathed, yanking Stormbreaker free from Thanos’ chest. Thor collapsed to his knees, breathing deeply in relief, and closing his eyes.“They have been avenged, brother.” Loki said, coming to stand behind Thor. “This day, they smile fondly from Valhalla.”“How?” Thor whispered. “How could you leave us again, with no word of your plan?”Loki’s face fell as Thor spoke, guilt washing over h...
Lokasenna: Chapter Seven by RoseGoldRomantic, literature
Lokasenna: Chapter Seven
“Ta-da!” Loki said in a sing song voice, glancing down to smile at me.
Thor stood, putting a blanket over a resting Jane.
“What I could do with the power that flows through those veins.” Loki said, looking at Jane.
“It would consume you.” Thor said.
“It already has.” Loki mumbled quietly, glancing at me. “She’s holding up alright, for now.” He said louder, gesturing to Jane.
“She’s strong in ways you’d never know.” Thor said.
“Say goodbye.” Loki said, though I wasn’t sure if he was saying it to Thor.
“Not this day.” Thor answered, making sure Jane was comfortable.
“This day, the next, a hundred years, it’s nothing. It’s a heartbeat.” Loki ...