Chapter 358: Toydaria switches sides by SheldonOswaldLee, literature
Chapter 358: Toydaria switches sides
“I am quiet honored that you have invited me to Toydaria, King Gekdo.” claimed Count Dooku as the king greeted him at his arrival.“After all what happened how could I not greet you with the highest honors?” questioned the Toydarian King flying near the Separatist Leaders as he stepped out of the transport for this secret visit and diplomatic meeting with the new King that had replaced King Katuunko. Recently Toydarias public opinion had switched after the death of King Katuunko many believed that remaining allied or at least very close with the Republic was the best course of action. But after Amidala had ordered the retread from Hutt Spac...
Chapter 85: Dooku's Monsters by SheldonOswaldLee, literature
Chapter 85: Dooku's Monsters
The female Lannik Jedi Knight and General Kiva Piflen was deep within the Maelstrom, a Nebula located in the Outer Rim Territories. The secret separatist base build here was used by Wat Tambor as a secret facility to create new infantry weapons against the Troopers of the Grans Army of the Republic. The Jedi and the Republic found out by accident as one of their Trade- and Supply-ships was stranded here after being chased by pirates. It found the secret droid base here but was shot down just seconds before it could send a distress signal to the Republic about the enemy's position. Now Kiva Piflen and her battalion of Elite Clones and Repub...