bloody screamer debut by testedcatdraws, literature
bloody screamer debut
I was playing outside and my babysitter, Oni, was watching me that day. I was running around but then I heard a scream from my sister soliel! I ran but she was not there. Another scream and another. All around me. My babysitter yelled for me: "Diablera where are you?" I cried. Tears went down my face as I went closer to the edge of the cliff and fell. "Aaaaaaaaaa," I yell. My babysitter yelled for me: "Where are you? Whats wrong? Diablera?" Gggshshsh went my body as I was impaled by a rock. The screaming continued until I died.
Game hacker Debut part one by testedcatdraws, literature
Game hacker Debut part one
I am twenty four and was bored. I looked at games my younger self played. Pacman or was it spelled Pac-Man? Pacman was a basic game that I proply grew out of sense I don't play games anymore and if I did it would be about haunted houses and demons. I bought some game console that I never heard of called GH games. Each console was dedicated to a game that was proply a bootleg but who cares, at least I don't. I booted up the game. The name Pacman was obviously misspelled: "Polly&Sam." Maybe it was so they won't get introble. At first it played like normal. The second round though, was defrent. I was playing as a pink ghost as the red ghost f...
HI DIABLA I AM ONO YOUR DIABLA X RIGHTyaCOOL SO WHEN DID THIS FIRST HAPPEN?ten weeks ago when I played Undertale.WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID YOU SEE?i get it this is for your school news paper but i don't want to say.THAT IS ALRIGHT I PROPLY DON'T WANT TO KNOWtrust me you don'tWHO IS ATAKING YOU?this girl with wires in her head and two eyes connected to the wires.WHAT EXPERIENCE DID YOU HAVE WITH HER?she tries to kill me. her face though her face her face is a gory mess. *criesTHANK YOU YOU PROPLY DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT ITno i don't byeBYEaaaaaaaaa!DIABLA! NO! NO! NO! STOP! STOP! DON'T TOUCH HER EYES! NO STOP! STOP! STOP TARING HER EYES OUT!
game hacker debut part two by testedcatdraws, literature
game hacker debut part two
I heard a laugh from a little girl. I destroyed the game. My life is normal, well I think. Something wants me dead, I think. I don't know anymore. I went on the internet but there was nothing. I am hopeless at least I think. Am I hopeless? Pleas help. There was a young six year old girl named Dove. She had nearly the same experience but instead she was hacked. She was playing something called FNAF? Faf? NAH? We met up with her mom. She had a red dress on. It was glittery. She had pink hair. All I could think was why her? She was inisent and sweet. Her eyes sparkled. She was only six. Her mom was scared. Know she is dead and I don't know wh...