Dungeons and Dragons: Rolling for Bondage by ED3765, literature
Dungeons and Dragons: Rolling for Bondage
In the colorful world of the Feywild, where colors were bright and plentiful and nature ruled unchecked with a sense of direction impossible, gathered a small gang of bandits who were plotting a dark idea.
Their leader, Tarvos, looked over his few goons of mighty strength, two rouges, a dark paladin, and a warlock, of which the party was of a high level. Among them, floating in boredom and at the same time curiosity, was a dark Fey imp that had welcomed the bandit group into the world and would assist them so long as he wasn't bored of their antics, as Tarvos soon addressed his men.
"Men, soon we will be rich beyond our wildest dreams! The rich noble who has hired us, Lord Gillion, has offered a high reward for bringing him Druids of red hair! Our good friend here has offered to move between different worlds to capture a few that will ultimately grant our wish as many times as we need!" Tarvos announced while motioning to the dark fey imp.
"Heheheh, Gillion's coffers run into the